[X}Encrypted Email Username and Password(RC4 Encryption)(*Keeps your hacking info Encrypted)
[X}Runs Hidden and undetected
[X}Mutex(Makes sure your server runs only once if slave double clicks)
[X}Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Seven(*UAC Bypass/ Working startup)
[X}Clean Keyboard Hooks(But not bettter than Private version but better than all free loggers around.)
[X}Interval Choosing(Choose when keylogs and screenshots come in)
[X}Test Email Sending
[X}Icon Changer (Working on All Operating Systems)
[X}File Pumper (Pump bytes into your server to increase the size, make server larger)
[X}Built In Binder(*Added Protection Stairs Encryption to binded file, doing this and online av sites cannot detected a binded file. so for example on NVT scanner it will always show up as nothing being binded if you decide to bind. This also makes your binded file Scantime FUD(always) but i did not add Runpe to this.)
[X}Some aspects of logger are Multi Threaded(For example the stealers are and Email sending so theres no lag, freeze ups nor delays)
[X}For Windows Vista and Windows Seven(*Added UAC Bypass to kill forever while server is running (disk cleaner, remote desktop, System restore, on screen keyboard, Command prompt.)
[X}Windows XP only(*Disable Taskmanager, Folderoption, Disable RegistryTools, Shutdown, CMD)
[X}Clear Steam Cache
[X}Block A Website
[X}Steal IP
[X}Steal Firefox
[X}Steal FileZilla
[X}Steal Clipboard Logger
[X}Steal Screenshot
[X}Steal No-IP DUC
[X}Steal IMVU
[X}Steal DyNDNS
[X}Steal Pidgin
[X}Steal FTPCommander
[X}Steal Paltalk
[X}Steal SmartFTP
[X}Steal CoreFTP
[X}Steal FlashFXP
[X}Steal Sys Info
[X}Steal CD Keys
[X}File Binder
Download :
You will need .NET Frameword 4
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