How to use:
1. Download and open the spammer
2. Write in the text you wish to spam.
3. Set the spam interval (milliseconds)
4. Press the "spam" button.
5. Go to facebook, MSN etc. and press the chatting box.
6. See the magic :)
7. Press the "abort" button to stop the spam.
1. Download and open the spammer
2. Write in the text you wish to spam.
3. Set the spam interval (milliseconds)
4. Press the "spam" button.
5. Go to facebook, MSN etc. and press the chatting box.
6. See the magic :)
7. Press the "abort" button to stop the spam.
The former Kowalski's site at how do you stop spam 44th and Humboldt, now owned by the county, was sporting some Davis for Commissioner campaign signs.
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