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May 31, 2012

BoTneT The First lesson

Many of you probably heard about the Botnet Was used by the anonymous in many of the attacks

What is the Botnet :

Simply the botnet is a network of devices that it creates a person for the purposes of including multiple
  • Spam 
  •  Hack bank accounts
  • Steal Emails
  • Hack website By DDos  
  • And other uses
What are the components Of Botnet :

Network consists of the person controlling Botnet The so-called Bot Master and infected computer called Bots

What are the types of Botnet :

  • HTTP Bot Which is controlled via the control panel be located on one servers are programmed using the integration between Php & C++
  • Irc Bot It started in different programming languages Which is controlled via the control panel By the Chat Of IRC and these bots are written mostly by programming languages ​​Java and C + +
 When the Bot Master Create a File Then he able to penetrate many of the devices and make them relate to a simple control has

Note : The Control Pabel of botnet different from one device to another In some cases, be located on one of servers in other cases In IRC Chat 

 What expertise is required to establish a network of botnets ?
Currently Like a user of the bot is not supposed to know you a lot The Botnet is very easy, but it differs from other Hack Tools But you should know a little about the use of programming tools C++ & Php just the Simple basics ...

What are the famous bots that are used a lot ?
Many of the bots strong but most of them is always not available because they are private or are sold in special ways .
Zeus used by many people It has powerful features Because it is not just a keylogger or like bifrost or poisonivy But the greatest achievement that He Bypass the limit of victims For up to 60 000

And finally This is just an overview of Botnet In the next Lesson I will present to you the best :)

Enjoy !!!! 


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