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May 18, 2012

Trick To Hack Any Facebook Account easily

we will use easy and simple way to hack facebook account We will send a  message To the victim email  But the thing that is different That we will use the same email that used by  Administration Of  Facebook..

# Step 1:
Register In any Free Web Hosting like T
o obtain an FTP and a MySQL database for free.

After activating your account and get your FTP info
 ( To Connect Via FTP Download FlashFXP or Filezila)
Or you can connect on File manager Online

Now open the script That will be downloaded  and Follow the pictures :

Upload the script on the hosting and Open using the browser

As you can see it's a  fake email

If the victim's response to the letter you will find the message in your Email

Note : Not all the free hosting send the message So you must to find a good web hosting like 000webhost

If You have a premuim account in any hosting you can easily use Mailer inbox (Php Script ) Has great features to send spam message And of course it will be placed in inbox

Download Script & Mailer Inbox

 Finally, I would to tell you Soon I will put exclusive lessons about Hacking Website & Spam
Enjoy !!!


Daeron said...

Please help, when I open the file on 000webhost I get the following error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /home/a7570178/public_html/FreeHackTools.php on line 10

What did I wrong?

Unknown said...

I think that the problem of the file just download the file again and try another hosting( Better to use premuim hosting) Soon I will put spam course just follow us

Unknown said...

Could you help me ? My post is on the top via facebook profile (just post here cause i've thinked that you haven't hot a notification when it's posted by facebook ^_^

Unknown said...

Please Update The links ? i had it before my whole pc got formatted :(

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