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Jun 8, 2012

Download The IDA Pro Book Mediafire

The IDA Pro Book | 640 Pages | 1593271786 | O'Reilly Media | PDF | 33Mb

The Unofficial Guide to the World's Most Popular Disassembler

The IDA Pro Book provides a top-down overview of IDA Pro and its potential uses in the software reverse engineering field. After a thorough introduction to the origins and basic operation of IDA Pro, the book goes into depth on how to use IDA Pro. Author Chris Eagle, a recognized expert in the field, covers a variety of real-world reverse engineering challenges and offers strategies to deal with them, such as disassembly manipulation, graphing, and effective use of cross references.

This is the definitive reference for IDA Pro. If you have any of the others, just chuck them out now. This book does a great job of explaining a fairly heavy technical topic in language understandable by the novice, but still useful to the advanced user. Highly recommended for anyone interested in learning about disassembly, reversing, and IDA in general.

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