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Jun 11, 2012

Download IDA Pro v5.5.0 Build 925 Advanced Edition Mediafire

HEX-RAYS SA IDA Pro v5.5.0 Build 925 Advanced Edition with Hex-Rays Decompiler v1.1 | 87.55 Mb

IDA Pro Advanced Edition the multi processor, multi operating system, interactive disassembler is used by security professionals to build a safer internet; by governmental agencies to validate commercial software; by open-source activists to support undocumented architectures; by device driver developers to tackle complex compatibility issues; and by embedded developers to build a better future.
Hex-Rays assumes the development and support of Datarescue's IDA Pro disassembler. This famous software analysis tool, which is a de-facto standard in the software security industry, is an indispensable item in the toolbox of any serious software analyst. Hex-Rays will continue to maintain IDA Pro and ensure its continuous evolution.
Hex-Rays Decompiler. IDA Pro has an open architecture, which can be used by third-parties to extend and build on it. Our second product, the Hex-Rays Decompiler is an example of such extension. If IDA Pro provides a solid base for analysis, the decompiler speeds it up tenfold or more.

IDA Pro is an interactive disassembler - it converts a binary executable program into an assembler text, allowing you to examine internals of the executable, to reverse engineer it and obtain a source text of the input file.
Its most outstanding feature that makes it unique among other disassemblers is interactivity (as the name implies). With IDA Pro you may examine the input file and make modifications on the fly, with zero wait time, all your modifi-cations are instantly displayed on the screen.
Another unparalleled aspect of IDA is FLIRT - Fast Library Identification and Recognition Technology. The disassembler looks at the input file and tries to find common procedures and properly names and attaches comments to them, working as an intelligent assistant for you. FLIRT technology saves your valuable time, taking the routine part of work. It is pretty funny to open a window with the list of functions and to look how FLIRT gives meaningful names to the functions and attaches comments to them.
Also, IDA Pro 5.5.0 - is the only disassembler that knows about high level language data structures like arrays, enumerations and structs. You may use them to make your disassembly clearer and more understandable. The upcoming version of IDA under- stands even local variables of procedures.

Hex-Rays Decompiler v1.1 which brings binary software analysis within reach of millions of programmers. It converts executable programs into a human readable C-like pseudocode text.
In comparison to low level assembly language, high level language represe-ntation in Hex-Rays has several advantages:
- concise: requires less time to read it;
- structured: program logic is more obvious;
- dynamic: variable names and types can be changed on the fly;
- familiar: no need to learn the assembly language;
- cool: the most advanced decompiler ever built!

The pseudocode text is generated on the fly. Our technology is fast enough to analyze 99% of functions within a couple of seconds.
Currently the decompiler supports 32bit x86 compiled generated code for the x86 processors. We plan to port it to other platforms and add a programmatic API. 
This will allow our customers to implement their own analysis methods.
Vulnerability search, software validation, coverage analysis are the directions that immediately come to mind.
The decompiler runs on Windows. The GUI and text IDA versions are supported. In the text mode, only batch operation is available.

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